Decision - Modification in relation to RIIO-T1 Electricity Transmission Price Control - Regulatory Instructions and Guidance: Version 3.2


Decision relating to a modified set of electricity transmission regulatory instructions and guidance (RIGs) and reporting templates for 2015/16 annual reporting.

In March we issued a Notice "(Notice under paragraph 10a of Standard Condition B15 (Regulatory Instructions and Guidance) (“SC B15”) of the Electricity Transmission Licence granted to the Licensees under section 6(1)(b) of the Electricity Act 1989)" and asked for views on the electricity transmission draft RIGs and reporting templates for 2015/16 annual reporting. The consultation ended on 11 April 2016.

We are now publishing the modified RIGS in this Direction.

You can find the finalised electricity transmission price control cost, outputs, financial and revenue guidance in the RIGs version 3.2.