Decision to grant Utilita Energy Limited an enduring derogation from certain standard conditions of its gas and electricity supply licences in respect of its provision of MPAN, MPRN and Statement Paper with Annual Statements


Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

This letter sets out the Authority’s decision to grant Utilita Energy Limited an enduring derogation from SLC 31A.9, Schedule 4 of Section B of SLC 31A and SLC 31A.10 of its gas and electricity supply licences.

The derogation will enable Utilita Energy Limited to include the MPAN (Metering Point Administration Number for electricity supply) and MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number for gas supply) on the annual statement and to include the Statement Paper in the same envelope as its annual statement with effect from the date of, and subject to the terms of, the corresponding Directions.