Decision on Data Assurance Guidance and licence changes for Electricity and Gas Transmission Licensees and for Gas Distribution Licensees


This is our decision following the statutory consultation on proposed new data assurance requirements for electricity transmission, gas transmission, and gas distribution companies. The requirements are set out in the Data Assurance Guidance (DAG) including associated reporting templates.

We are also publishing our decision on proposed modifications to the electricity transmission and gas transporter (transmission and distribution) licences, to enable us to require the companies to provide data assurance reports to Ofgem on the annual cycle set out in the DAG.

The receipt of robust data from network companies is essential to enable Ofgem to effectively carry out its role as regulator. It is important for assessing network companies’ price control forecasts, explaining to customers what is being delivered in return for the revenue that network companies are allowed to earn, and to monitor performance against the price control settlements. Network companies have a responsibility to ensure that all data they submit to Ofgem is robust and fit for purpose. The purpose of the DAG is to provide assurances to Ofgem that this is the case.

We published a statutory consultation on the DAG on 17 December 2014. We received nine responses to this consultation, as well as a separate response to the related statutory consultation on license condition modification. We fully considered all respondents’ views and have made minor changes to the DAG documents where it was considered appropriate to do so.

The DAG will require network companies to:

  • carry out risk assessments on the data they submit
  • plan data assurance activities, and take appropriate actions on the findings, that are proportionate to the risk of a submission
  • consider ways to improve their systems and process for submitting data to Ofgem and to take appropriate measures to reduce risks
  • report on the above to Ofgem.

These requirements will take effect from 1 April 2015.

Main document