Decision on changes to licence conditions CRC 2A and CRC 2M in relation to the DPCR4 growth term

Licence modification

Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

The Authority has decided to modify the electricity distribution licences held by Electricity North West Limited (ENWL), Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited (NPgN), Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc (NPgY), London Power Networks plc (LPN), South Eastern Power Networks plc (SPN), Eastern Power Networks plc (EPN), SP Distribution plc (SPD) and SP Manweb plc (SPMW).

The modifications are to Special Conditions CRC 2A (Restriction of Allowed Distribution Network Revenue) and CRC 2M (Adjustment of licensee’s revenues for the residual distribution losses incentive). The reason for the modifications are to ensure that the licensees’ allowed revenue is adjusted to close out the DPCR4 growth term, consistent with our 21 March 2014 decision on the restatement of data associated with the losses incentive mechanism.

This decision will take effect on and from 9 July 2015.