Consultation on the Successful Delivery Reward Applications

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

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Closing date

Industry sector

Distribution Network


We are consulting on the Successful Delivery Reward (SDR) Applications submitted by the following four Low Carbon Networks Fund projects:

  1. Low Voltage Network Templates by Western Power Distribution;
  2. Low Carbon London by UK Power Networks;
  3. Flexible Plug and Play by UK Power Networks; and
  4. Customer-led Network Revolution by Northern Powergrid.

The SDR is funding available under the Discretionary Funding Mechanism of the Low Carbon Networks Fund to reward projects that have been well managed and completed at least to the standard that could be expected given the information provided in the Full Submission.

A key part of the SDR assessment process is to seek stakeholders’ views on the applications, which will be considered as part of our assessment to determine the level of the SDR awarded. With respect to the SDR applications, we would welcome views from any interested party especially from any Low Carbon Network Fund Project Partners, consumer groups, sustainable development groups and smart grid research groups.

This letter seeks views on the SDR applications submitted by the four projects and if the projects meet the SDR assessment criteria. The consultation closes on 22 May 2015.

Please send your responses to

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Nisha Doshi

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