Consultation on removing provisions relating to Supplemental Balancing Reserve and Demand Side Balancing Reserve from National Grid Electricity Transmission plc’s licence

Correspondence and other Consultation
  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

This consultation sets out our proposed approach to removing SBR and DSBR references from NGET’s licence.

In March 2017 the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority decided to remove the Supplemental Balancing Reserve and Demand Side Balancing Reserve cost recovery arrangements for 2017/18. This decision removed the ability of NGET to recover any costs associated with procuring or operating these services in Winter 2017/18. In our decision, we also said that we would consult on removing the remaining provisions from NGET’s licence once the cost recovery process for 2016/17 was complete. That process has now been completed. Once this consultation concludes and subject to industry feedback, we expect to issue a direction to remove the remaining SBR and DSBR references from NGET’s licence.

Respond name

Emily Sam

Respond telephone

Respond email