Consent granted to NGESO under Special Condition 4C of the Electricity Transmission License


Publication date


Industry sector

Transmission Network

Licence type

Electricity Transmission Licence

This letter sets out our consent for National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited (NGESO) to use IncPayRect, as specified in Special Condition 4C ( Balancing Services Activity Revenue Restriction on External Costs) of the Electricity Transmission Licence, to reconcile the difference between the amount NGESO has recovered in Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges over 2018-19 and the final incentive amount for 2018-19.

Special condition 4C, Part F (Incentive payments) of the Licence, allows the Authority to Direct the value of IncPayExtt, in respect of Relevant Year t-1 as determined under this condition and the ESORI Arrangements Guidance Document.