Competition in electricity distribution connections - call for evidence

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Distribution Network

Not all new connections to the electricity distribution network are made by the network company. Competition exists for some work. A customer can choose to use an alternative provider for some connections work known as "contestable work". We believe that effective competition in this market will help improve the quality of service that customers receive and reduce the cost of connection. Competition can also encourage innovation in the type of services on offer.

In the second half of 2014, we will review the market for new connections to the electricity distribution system. This is in response to continued concerns about whether competition in this market is effective. The first step of our review is a call for information – which we are launching today.

This letter explains how you can submit evidence and engage with us during the review.  We want you to tell us how well you think the market is working. The letter explains the background to this process, its scope and timing, and the possible outcomes.

We have separated the evidence we received into three types; customer responses, competitor responses and distribution network operator responses. These may be found  below.