ADE - Capacity Market Rules CP242

Change Proposal
Publication date

This proposal seeks to enable small CHP generators, especially non-exporting units, to qualify for the Capacity Market as DSR, by providing an alternative to the standard DSR baseline which can be applied to small, high load factor CHP generators using bespoke metering located at the generator terminals.

A number of CMUs have not entered Prequalification in recent years because under Regulation 4 non-CMRS, distribution connected generators must export onto the public system to be eligible for aggregation under the regulations, and if they are smaller than 2MW then aggregation is their only allowable route to participation. As many small CHPs deliver all of their electricity to site load and do not export, this Regulation eliminates them from the Capacity Market. This proposal will enable these non-exporting generators to enter the Capacity Market.

In addition, on-site CHP generators qualify as "permitted on-site generating units" (Regulation 2) as their electricity is intended for on-site consumption. This makes them eligible to participate in DSR CMUs (also Regulation 2). However, the DSR baseline method makes this impossible in practice. This proposal corrects this contradiction.

To permit the proving of Satisfactory Performance Days from data gathered by Balancing Services Metering.

Change proposal status
Under consultation

Proposal rules area

Demand side response

Proposal organisation