Direction in relation to the RIIO-GD1 Gas Distribution Price Control – Regulatory Instructions and Guidance.

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

National Grid Gas plc (with respect to its gas distribution networks)
(Company Number: 02006000)

Northern Gas Networks Limited
(Company Number: 05167070)

Scotland Gas Networks plc
(Company Number: SC264065)

Southern Gas Networks plc
(Company Number: 05167021)

Wales & West Utilities Limited
(Company Number: 05046791)

(together, the ”Licensees”) 

Direction under paragraph 8 of Standard Special Condition A40 (Regulatory Instructions and Guidance) (“SSC A40”) of the Gas Transporter Licence granted to the Licensees under section 7 of the Gas Act 1986

Whereas –

  1. The Licensees have each been granted a Gas Transporter Licence (the “Licence”) under section 7 of the Gas Act 1986 (the “Act”) and are subject to the conditions contained in the Licence.
  2. In accordance with paragraph 10 of SSC A40 of the Licence the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the “Authority”) gave notice on 31 July 2013 that it proposed to issue Regulatory Instructions and Guidance (the “RIGs”).
  3. The reason for issuing the RIGs is to enable the Authority to collect the information to enable it to administer the Special Conditions of the Licence and, where not referenced in the Licence, the RIIO-GD1 Final Proposals.
  4. SSC A40 came into effect on 1 April 2013, the start of RIIO-GD1 price control period and the Authority proposed to issue the RIGs with effect from 1 April 2013.
  5. A copy of the RIIO-GD1 Gas Distribution Price Control – Regulatory Instructions and Guidance: Version 1 is included in the Schedule to this Direction.
  6. 6.The Authority requested that any representations on the proposed RIGs be made on or before 2 September 2013. The Authority did not receive and representations.

Now therefore –

In accordance with the powers contained in paragraph 8 of SSC A40 of the Licence, the Authority hereby issues the RIGs in the manner specified in the attached Schedule. The RIGs will have effect on and from 1 April 2013.

This document constitutes notice of the reasons for the Direction as required by section 38A of the Act.

Paul Branston
Associate Partner, Costs and Outputs
Duly authorised on behalf of the Authority     
26 September 2013

Schedule to the Authority’s Direction dated 26 September 2013