Decision on RIIO-1 Price Control Reopeners (May 2018)

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Distribution Network

We have made our final decision on the May 2018 reopener applications related to the following uncertain cost categories:

  • One-off asset health costs
  • Industrial emissions costs
  • Enhanced physical site security costs
  • Enhanced security costs (IT)
  • Specified Street Works Costs
  • Quarry and Loss Development Claim Costs

We received applications for adjustments to price control allowances from four network operators, these are National Grid Electricity Transmission, National Grid Gas Transmission, Cadent Gas and Wales and West Utilities.

We published non-confidential versions of network company applications, and sought early feedback from stakeholders in an informal consultation as part of phase 1 of our stakeholder consultation process. We then published our initial views on the applications and requested feedback from stakeholders in phase 2 of our consultation process. Further information on our consultations can be found here.