Consultation on the draft RIIO-ED1 Environment Report Guidance Document (ERGD)

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In January 2014 we consulted on a proposed new licence condition, SLC 47, for RIIO-ED1, which introduced a requirement for DNOs to publish an Environment Report. This consultation sets out the Environment Report Guidance Document (ERGD), which outlines the proposed content of the Environment Report and is intended to guide DNOs in drafting their report each year. We are particularly interested in responses that consider the following questions:

  1. Have we covered all the relevant environment matters? If not, what have we missed and should it be mandatory or discretionary?
  2. Within the environment activities covered in the report, are there particular activities where you would like information that is not currently described? Please provide detail on the information you would like included.
  3. Does the format of the Environment Report as outlined in the ERGD adhere to good practice for environment reporting? If not, what would improve the structure of the report?

The closing date for this consultation is the 4 April 2014.

This consultation is closed.

Respond name

Stacy Feldmann

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