The CCDG is consulting on their detailed Target Operating Model design proposals and impact on industry code documents

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

On December 17th the Elexon-chaired Code Change and Development Group published a consultation on the BSC website on it's proposals for the detailed design of the Target Operating Model (TOM) and the associated impact on the industry code documents, to enable market-wide half-hourly settlement. This consultation follows on from the Design Working Group's final report to Ofgem which included their prefered TOM and transition approach and gives stakeholders the opportunity to provide input.

Responses to the consultation close on 26 January 2021. Market-wide half-hourly settlement is a fundamental reform which will impact both existing and future participants. For this reason we would encourage all stakeholders to take the opportunity to look over and respond to the consultation.