Voluntary Request for Information to inform a Privacy Impact Assessment on access to data for settlement

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

As part of our work to consider a move to market-wide HHS we are considering the rules relating to access to consumers’ half-hourly electricity consumption data for settlement purposes.

We published the Project Objectives and Assessment Options for the market-wide half-hourly settlement Business Case on 12 September 2017 which included information about the options under consideration for access to half-hourly consumption data from smart meters. These options relate to the collection and use of this data for settlement purposes only. Our proposals will therefore not impact wider access to smart metering data as set out under the smart metering Data Access and Privacy Framework.

The question of access to half-hourly data for settlement is important and we do not currently have a preferred option. We are therefore in the process of collecting information in order to make an evidence-based decision about which would be in the best interest of consumers. We have committed to undertake a Privacy Impact Assessment as part of this evidence gathering process. The information we receive from this voluntary RFI will form an important part of this evidence base.

Please complete the information request spreadsheet and return it by email to halfhourlysettlement@ofgem.gov.uk by 30th November 2017.