RIIO-2 FIOC Guidance and Submissions Requirements Document


Publication date


Industry sector

Transmission Network

Licence type

Gas Transporter Licence

This document sets out the regulation, governance and administration of the RIIO-2 Funded Incremental Obligated Capacity Re-opener and will take effect from 1 April 2021.

We have consulted on the RIIO-2 FIOC Guidance and Submissions Requirements Document for the implementation of RIIO-2. This should be read in conjunction with Special Condition 3.13 and the RIIO-2 Final Determinations NGGT Annex.

We have received views on our drafts of the RIIO-2 FIOC Guidance and Submissions Requirements Document and have taken into consideration those comments within the final publication.

This document and its content is in line with our Final Determinations.