Notice to modify the GT1 Price Control Financial Model

Correspondence and other

Publication date

Industry sector

Transmission Network

In accordance with SC 4A of the Gas Transmission Licence, we are consulting on the following proposed modification to the GT1 Price Control Financial Model (PCFM).

  • Amendment of two labels in the SystemOperator sheet

This modification to the GT1 PCFM has been agreed with the licensee to ensure that the labelling in the GT1 PCFM is consistent with the licensee’s other reporting templates.

It is our view that it does not constitute a significant modification under SC 5A, part A. This modification serves to correct a minor labelling discrepancy.

Please respond to this proposed modification no later than 04 September 2019. We intend for this modification to be included within the Annual Iteration Process, due to conclude on 30 November 2019.