Network Charge Deferral update

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Supply and Retail Market
  • Transmission Network

In June 2020 Ofgem outlined support we expected to be available to energy suppliers and shippers who were facing cash flow challenges as a result of the unprecedented public health emergency triggered by COVID-19.

Over the period June to September, network companies provided relief to cash flow-constrained suppliers and shippers by enabling them to defer up to three months’ of charges relating to gas transportation, electricity distribution and electricity transmission. The development and management of the schemes involved the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and the Joint Office of Gas Transporters. The schemes have now closed.

18 firms deferred charges under at least one of the three schemes, worth a total of around £65.1m. The firms are required to repay these charges in full by March 2021.