Presentations: The Future of Networks (RIIO-2) event

Agendas, minutes and presentations

Publication date

Industry sector

  • Supply and Retail Market
  • Distribution Network
  • Transmission Network

Here you can download the workshop and keynote address slides from our Future Insights event held on 22 March 2018. Jonathan Brearley, our senior partner for networks, delivered the keynote address.

The event explored the framework Ofgem has proposed for the next network price controls ('RIIO-2'), which will be tougher with lower expected returns for network companies. The new framework will help networks adapt to the challenges they face during the energy transition while delivering better value for consumers. The price controls will start from 2021.

Highlights & comment

You can watch a recording of the event livestream on our events page

To view and have your say on the proposed framework, see our page on the RIIO-2 framework consultation.