Design Working Group consultation on skeleton TOMs published on BSC website

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Industry sector

Supply and Retail Market

On April 30 the ELEXON-led Design Working Group published a consultation on the BSC website on the skeleton Target Operating Models (TOMs) to enable market-wide half-hourly settlement. This consultation follows Ofgem’s decision to approve the skeleton TOMs and gives stakeholders the opportunity to provide input on the design and evaluation work to date.

ELEXON is also planning to hold a stakeholder event on the 15 May to provide an overview of the skeleton TOMs designs and principles. ELEXON will present the work of the Design Working Group, an evaluation of the TOMs against Ofgem's design principles and an initial assessment of the individual TOMs. The stakeholder event will also include a presentation on ELEXON’s white paper on enabling customers to buy power from multiple providers and an Ofgem session where stakeholders will be provided the opportunity to discuss their views on the recent agent functions working paper published by Ofgem. Further information about this event, including how to register, can be found on the BSC website.  

Responses to the skeleton TOM consultation close on 29 May 2018. Market-wide half-hourly settlement is a fundamental reform which will impact both existing and future participants. For this reason we would encourage all stakeholders to take the opportunity to look and respond to the consultation to help shape the next stage of the design work.