Decision and direction on extension of engineering recommendation P2/6 derogation where group demand is up to 60MW


In March 2015 we extended the previous derogation relieving electricity distribution licensees of their obligation to comply with Engineering Recommendation P2/6 Table 1 in respect of those parts of the distribution system where the Group Demand was up to 60MW and when specific conditions set out in the initial direction were satisfied.

The previous derogation extension was effective until 31 March 2018. 

Early in 2015 the industry began a wider review of the P2 Engineering Recommendation.

The industry has concluded its review of P2/6, and an industry consultation on the proposed modification to Engineering Recommendation P2, replacing P2/6 with P2/7, closed on 12 February 2018.

Table 1 of P2/6, to which the derogation applied, remains in the proposed P2/7. It is therefore as yet unclear as to whether or not P2/7 has addressed the issues that DNOs faced in planning and developing their systems in accordance with P2/6 table 1 in respect of those parts of the distribution system where the Group Demand was up to 60MW. A number of Distribution Network Operators requested that the derogation be extended to allow for clarity as to when Engineering Recommendation P2/7 may come into force, and whether or not this derogation will be required thereafter. We decided to extend the derogation to 31 March 2019.