Cross-Border Cost Allocation application submitted by Gaslink Independent System Operator Ltd: Final decision

Publication date
Industry sector
Transmission Network

This letter is the final decision of GEMA on a cross-border cost allocation (CBCA) application made by Gaslink Independent System Operator Ltd for a Project of Common Interest (PCI).

The proposed project comprises the twinning of the existing onshore pipeline between Cluden and Brighouse Bay in Scotland that serves the gas interconnectors between GB and the Irish gas market.

The decision is that Ofgem has agreed that all costs should be allocated to Ireland.

The letter provides the context and analysis of the CBCA application as well as the reasons for the decision. This precedes a coordinated decision on the CBCA application. The other parties to the Coordinated CBCA decision are the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and the Utility Regulator of Northern Ireland (URNI). The Coordinated CBCA decision is included as Annex 1 to this letter.