Authority Decision on UNC722, UNC723, UNC724 and Consent to Modify C058


Publication date

Industry sector

  • Distribution Network
  • Generation and Wholesale Market
  • Transmission Network

UNC722 ‘Allow Users to submit Estimated Meter Reading during COVID-19’ proposes to allow shippers to submit estimated meter readings for certain sites during the COVID-19 period.

UNC723 ‘Use of Isolation Flag to identify sites with abnormal load reduction during COVID-19 period’ proposes to allow shippers to ‘isolate’ certain sites, and as result temporarily exempt those sites from gas nomination, allocation, and application of certain charges.

UNC724 ‘Amendment to Ratchet charges during COVID-19 period’ proposes to waive ratchet charges for certain sites engaged in the local or national response to COVID-19.

The Authority approved these modifications on 11 May 2020.

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