Gas theft

Gas theft increases costs for customers. Interfering with gas meters or pipes is also a serious risk to safety. 

To promote a safer, fairer market for consumers, energy companies are required to play an active part in preventing the theft of gas. These rules form part of the gas supply licence. We also work to ensure that the arrangements to tackle theft of gas act in the best interests of consumers.

Our rules for the gas industry include a requirement for gas suppliers to set up a cross industry theft risk assessment service to help them to better target investigations.

We have also supported the industry's development of a new code of practice to establish minimum standards for theft investigations.

How to report gas theft

If you’re concerned about gas theft or want to know more about how you are protected from gas theft, you can:

  1. Contact your energy supplier. You can find their details on your energy bill, or if you don’t have this to hand, see Find out who your gas or electricity supplier is (opens another website) 
  2. Complete the UKRPA online fraud report form.
  3. Report gas theft anonymously using the stayenergysafe website

Further support and advice

If you need advice or help and support on an energy matter, you can also contact the Citizens Advice Service:

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