Great British Insulation Scheme

Information and contacts for the Great British Insulation Scheme.


Find contact details of Great British Insulation Scheme obligated suppliers.

If you have a query for the Great British Insulation Scheme team not answered on these pages please email

Guidance documents and forms

Great British Insulation Scheme Delivery Guidance

Great British Insulation Scheme Supplier Administration Guidance

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 LA and Supplier Flex Decision Statement

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Local Authority Administration Guidance

The Great British Insulation Scheme forms and tables

Great British Insulation Scheme Scoring Methodology

Great British Insulation Scheme privacy notice

Great British Insulation Scheme Supplier Data Dictionary


Great British Insulation Scheme forums and working groups

Stakeholder forums run by Ofgem.

Great British Insulation Scheme public reports and data

To see how energy suppliers are progressing towards reaching their targets for this obligation, and the number and types of measures installed, you can visit this dedicated page to view the published monthly reports.

Counter Fraud

We take allegations of fraud seriously. To find out how to report suspected fraud, and our role in preventing it, please see our section on counter fraud.


We want you to be happy with the services you receive. If you are unhappy you may want to make a complaint. Find out how to complain about Ofgem.

If you have a complaint about your installation, please see the complaints process web page.

To keep up to date on the scheme, subscribe to receive our latest news and communications.