Cymhelliad Gwres Adnewyddadwy Domestig
Domestic RHI Closure
The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (DRHI) in Great Britain has now closed. The DRHI closed to new applicants including metering and monitoring service package applications at midnight on 31 March 2022. BEIS consulted on changes and published the decision in their government response document which is available on the GOV.UK website: Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive: ensuring a stable scheme.
If you’re already on the scheme, you will receive payments as usual until your seven-year accreditation ends, as long as you continue to meet your ongoing obligations. You may still be required to fit metering and you will still be able to replace or repair your installation after this date.
Change of ownership
If you’re moving into a property with a renewable heating system already accredited to the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (DRHI) scheme, and you want to take over the DRHI payments from the previous owner, you can still apply to receive the remainder of the payments after 31 March 2022. From the date of sale, new owners have 12 months to notify us of the change and confirm they wish to continue with the accreditation. Further information can be found on our change of ownership webpage.
Assignment of rights
Assignment of Rights (AoR) allows an investor to help fund the purchase or installation of a renewable heating system and in return receive the rights to RHI payments. At accreditation, applicants can nominate a Registered Investor. After the closure of the scheme, investors for the purposes of Assignment of Rights (AoR) will still be able to register with us until midnight at the end of 30 June 2028. In addition, registered investors will still be able to transfer AoR agreements with participants to other registered investors in relation to the accredited plant
See our Essential Guide to Assignment of Rights.
Need Help?
If you have a questions about the change of ownership process or once you’ve joined the scheme, our enquires team should be your first point of contact. You can email us at or call us at 0300 003 0744.
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