Dear Colleague,
We are today issuing notices1 to make a number of changes to the electricity transmission and distribution licences, and to the gas transporters and supply licences. This follows our July consultation on the changes, which are consequential licence changes relevant to the Third Package, as well as changes of a housekeeping nature. The modifications will take effect from 17 December 2013.
Our July statutory consultation set out the background to the changes and provided our reasons for each of the proposed modifications. Our consultation closed on 28 August 2013. We received eight responses2 which are available on our website. There were mixed views in responses. Some respondents supported the changes, others commented on aspects of the drafting they found unclear and/or sought clarification about the intent of the changes. A summary of the responses is set out in the annex to this letter alongside our views.
In light of the responses received, we have made further minor amendments to the licence drafting we consulted on in July. These changes (which are explained in the annex to this letter - these can be found in the main document below) provide clarity and correct typographical and grammatical errors. They do not amount to substantive changes to the modifications proposed in the statutory consultation.
Yours faithfully,
Lesley Nugent
Head of Industry Codes and Licensing