Competition in connections – Consultation on SPEN’s Competition Notice

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  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Dyddiad cau
Sector diwydiant
Distribution Network

This consultation seeks views on the development of competition in Scottish Power Energy Networks’ (SPEN’s) Distribution Service Areas (DSAs). It follows the submission to us by SPEN of ‘Competition Notices’ on 16 August 2013 on behalf of SP Distribution Ltd (SPD) and SP Manweb plc (SPM) in relation to nine Relevant Market Segments (RMSs).

The SPEN - Competition Test reasons for our decision document was originally published on 12 December and then replaced by an amended version on 13 December.  We published the amendment to correct an error at paragraph 3.26 (which was repeated at paragraph 3.122).

Enw i ymateb iddo

James Veaney

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