Cap and Floor Regime for application to project NEMO: Impact Assessment

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Sector diwydiant
Transmission Network
Math o drwydded
Electricity Interconnector Licence

In March 2013, we consulted on our proposals for a new regulatory regime for electricity interconnector investment for application to project NEMO, the proposed electricity interconnector between Great Britain and Belgium.

The cap and floor regime has been developed together with CREG, the Belgian energy regulator. Having considered responses to the consultation, and subject to responses to this Impact Assessment, we intend to publish our decision on the cap and floor regime for NEMO in spring 2014.

This Impact Assessment outlines the potential impacts of applying a regulated cap and floor to NEMO. We seek views on these potential impacts. We intend to publish an updated impact assessment alongside our policy decision document.

This consultation has closed and was not progressed further.

Enw i ymateb iddo

Stuart Borland

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