Sustainable Development News October 2013

Correspondence and other
Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Enw'r cynllun

This is our regular update on Ofgem’s Sustainable Development Activities. Key developments and updates in this issue include:

  • Publication of our emerging thinking on the Integrated Transmission Planning and Regulation (ITPR) Project
  • The first meeting of our Future Trading Arrangements Forum
  • Updates on our work and engagement on Community Energy
  • Publication of our ‘Exploration of issues and options’ consultation paper which explores the appropriate regulatory design for Third Party Intermediaries
  • Details of the latest business plans submitted by Distribution Network Operators for the next electricity distribution price control.

The update also contains details of our consultation on changes to electricity transmission charges. The proposed changes are aimed at facilitating the move to a low carbon energy sector whilst delivering value for money to existing and future consumers.

We also cover a number of significant publications across other areas including the final proposals for our work to improve wholesale market liquidity, our Consumer Vulnerability Strategy as well as the updates to our Electricity Capacity Assessment report. The latter provides an insight into the risks to our electricity supply over the next six winters whilst providing reassurance that National Grid has the tools and expertise in place to deal with, and manage, future demand.