Ofgem Consumer First Panel - Year 5: First workshops (held January and February 2013). Research to inform Ofgem's review of the Priority Services Register

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Ofgem Consumer First Panel - Year 5: First workshops (held January and February 2013). Research to inform Ofgem's review of the Priority Services Register. Published alongside the Consumer Vulnerability Strategy in July 2013.

Ofgem asked Ipsos MORI to use the Consumer First Panel to undertake research to understand energy consumers’ broad expectations of the non-financial support provided by suppliers and distribution companies to vulnerable and potentially vulnerable consumers, including services provided through the Priority Services Register (PSR) and gas safety checks. The discussions focussed on three main aspects of non-financial support, namely:

  • Eligibility – who should be eligible and why;
  • Accessibility – how those who are eligible should be made aware of the Priority Service Register (PSR) and how they should sign up to it; and
  • Services provided – what kind of support should be available to vulnerable or potentially vulnerable customers.

Workshops with 123 newly recruited participants were conducted in six locations across Great Britain between the 23rd January and 7th of February 2013. The Panel is recruited to broadly reflect GB adults and as such includes a number of people who are eligible for PSR services currently, including those of pensionable age and some people with long term illnesses or disabilities.