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Gas Shipper Licence

Notice under section 8AA(9) of the Gas Act 1986 (as amended) of the proposed transfer of a Gas Shipper licence held by Bord Gáis Éireann to Bord Gáis Energy Limited

The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (‘the Authority’) hereby gives notice pursuant to Section 8AA(9) of the Gas Act 1986 (as amended) (‘the Act’) as follows:

1. Bord Gáis Energy Limited (company registration number 463078), the registered office of which is 6 Lapps Quay, Cork, Ireland, has written to the Authority seeking its consent under Section 8AA of the Act to the transfer of the Gas Shipper licence granted to Bord Gáis Éireann pursuant to section 7A(2) of the Act to Bord Gáis Energy Limited  the registered office of which is at 6 Lapps Quay, Cork, Ireland.

2. The Authority proposes to grant consent to the proposed licence transfer for the following reasons:

(i) pro Bord Gáis Energy Limited (company registration number 463078) has applied to the Authority under Section 8AA of the Act for the Authority’s consent to the transfer to it of the gas shipper licence granted to Bord Gáis Éireann; and

(ii) The Authority is satisfied that it would have been appropriate to grant a Gas Shipper licence to Bord Gáis Energy Limited had Bord Gáis Energy Limited applied to the Authority for such a licence and as such considers that it is appropriate to consent to a transfer of an existing Gas Shipper licence to Bord Gáis Energy Limited.

3. Any representations or objections in relation to the proposal by the Authority to grant consent to the proposed licence transfer should be made in writing  no later than 28 April 2014  to the Authority, either:

by post to: the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority at 9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE marked for the attention of Industry Codes and Licensing
or by email to: licensing@ofgem.gov.uk

Lesley Nugent      
Duly authorised on behalf of the Authority