BEIS and Ofgem stakeholder group
About the group
The EU developed EU-wide Framework Guidelines and Network Codes, which could have far-reaching implications for Britain’s gas network system.
Along with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) we recognised that many stakeholders have already engaged with these issues at a European level. We were also aware of the need to consolidate these efforts and develop a UK position that shows leadership on these network code issues.
The EU Gas Network Codes Stakeholder Group was set up with the aim of drawing together stakeholder views, informing the UK negotiating position and taking a proactive stance on the development of a European target model, thus developing an influencing strategy to help deliver our objectives. This continued work previously carried out by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
Further information is available in the DECC-Ofgem EU Gas Network Codes Stakeholder Group Terms of Reference.