Enforcement Review Conference – Consultation exercise
- Upcoming
- Open
- Closed (awaiting decision)
- Closed (with decision)
Ofgem’s first Enforcement Conference took place on 26 September 2013 at the Park Plaza Hotel, Victoria.
During the first half of 2013 the Enforcement Review gathered a broad range of views from interested parties on the impact and efficiency of our enforcement work. At the conference we shared this feedback, presented our proposals to address the points raised and consulted the participants on aspects of these proposals. In addition we looked back at some of our recent enforcement decisions and considered what could be learnt from them.
Participants were invited to give views on flexible interaction with companies, opportunities for shared understanding of cases, publicity and Enforcement Guidelines. We are keen to capture any further comments on the consultation and would be grateful if you could send these to enforcementguidelines@ofgem.gov.uk by Friday 25 October.
The status of this consultation has been changed to “Closed (with decision)” as the consultation period has passed. For more information, please see our consultation policy.