Consultation on extending the existing smart meter framework for data access and privacy to Smart-Type Meters and Advanced Meters

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Smart Meter Communication Licence

Gas and electricity suppliers will be required by their licence to rollout smart meters to all their domestic and smaller non-domestic customers by the end of 2020. Some suppliers moved early and have already installed, or are installing, ‘Smart-Type Meters’ (to domestic premises) and ‘Advanced Meters’ (to non-domestic premises). Such meters have some similarities with smart meters, but they do not meet the same detailed technical specification. There are some licence obligations that apply to suppliers in respect of smart meters but do not apply to suppliers in respect of Smart-Type Meters and Advanced Meters.

This document sets out, for consultation, Ofgem’s proposals to introduce new licence obligations to ensure that domestic and micro business consumers are more fully in control of the energy consumption data on their Smart-Type Meters and Advanced Meters.

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