Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Sector diwydiant
Generation and Wholesale Market

On 20 November 2013, Ofgem published “Wholesale power market liquidity: statutory consultation on the ‘Secure and Promote’ licence condition” (the Statutory Consultation), alongside a draft guidance document and an impact assessment. The Statutory Consultation set out our final policy position proposing the introduction of a new special licence condition into the generation licences held by eight company groups. It also set out the proposed text of the licence condition, stating that, subject to responses, we intended for the condition to take effect from 31 March 2014. We received 19 responses to the consultation, which closed on 18 December 2013. All non-confidential responses have been placed on the Ofgem website.

In this letter we set out our decision, following consideration of these responses, to direct changes to the generation licences held by the eight company groups and to implement in full our final policy position.