Open letter – Treatment of domestic households that do not use gas

Correspondence and other
Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Sector diwydiant
Supply and Retail Market

Since our June 2014 open letter, we have been engaging with the largest six suppliers and have challenged them to review how they treat households that do not use gas, particularly those in vulnerable situations.

The six largest suppliers, who represent almost 19 million domestic households, have adopted new practices which better meet the needs of these households.

As a result of these practices, households that use zero gas are now being treated more fairly. We encourage all suppliers, including smaller suppliers to consider how best they can support households who do not consume gas and may have a gas meter. In line with their licence obligation to treat consumers fairly, all suppliers need to keep their approach to households who do not use gas under review, for example by considering the learnings from consumer research and complaints data.