22 March 2013 Smart Grid Forum Work Stream 6 - minutes

Agendas, minutes and presentations
Dyddiad cyhoeddi
Sector diwydiant
Distribution Network

Date 22 march 2013   Venue Ofgem 9 Millbank London SW1P 3GE

For a list of all attendees and apologies please see appendix 1

Minutes and actions from previous meeting

The minutes were agreed with no amendments.

The group was updated on progress against actions from the previous meeting and a number of actions were restated.

DG agreed to update the WS6 scoping paper to reflect changes to the work plan already agreed by the group.


  • Work with Energy UK to develop a straw man of how suppliers may wish to use DSR to supplement the work done by the DSR Networks Forum By - TN/TK – ongoing
  • Circulate documents on the aggregator view of DSR and capacity markets By - MH – 10/04
  • Circulate completed international experience templates By - All – 27/03
  • Update and circulate scoping paper By - Ofgem – 10/04


Storage paper

MS updated the group on the progress of the WS6 storage paper. He thanked those who had provided comments and asked for further comments in order to update the paper to be discussed at the next meeting.

Action - Submit comments on WS6 storage paper to BS (SSE) By - All – 08/04
Discuss storage paper at next WS6 meeting By - BS – 15/04

Other SGF work streams

GE informed the group that the terms of reference for the technical working group are almost complete and will go to the SGF at the next meeting for agreement. He agreed to circulate the ToRs once finished. AL asked what the timeframe is for this work. GE explained that they are working on a preliminary timetable of 2 years. In the first 6 months they are planning to outline what the challenges are and how to go about answering them.

DG updated the group on the progress of developing the objectives and plan for a working group to look at and update the smart grids vision and roadmap. DECC are leading this work and a scoping paper will be submitted to the next SGF meeting.
DB gave an update on WS4. They have been focussing on smart metering
challenges but are starting to look at European issues in more detail.

DSR Networks Forum

LM noted that a DSR strawman from the DSR Networks Forum has been circulated along with the log of challenges for DSR that the group has drawn up. They are in the process of developing a paper setting out how networks would like to use DSR in the future.

Distribution Charging Methodology Forum (DCMP) Methodology issues group

MA explained that the Distribution charging methodology forum (DCMF) have a sub group (the methodology issues group – MIG) which is looking to replicate the time bands currently in use for half hourly metered customers for non-half hourly metered customers. MA noted that this could have implications for the work being done by WS6 to look at time of use tariffs. DG highlighted that without half hourly metering, it would not be possible to determine usage within the different time bands in order to charge. SN commented that the proposal may have data protection issues. DG agreed to invite a member of the MIG to discuss this issue with WS6 at the next meeting.

Action- Invite a member of DCMF MIG to discuss proposed time-band tariff structure By -Ofgem – 15/04

EU Network codes

MA updated the group on upcoming EU network codes. He stated that a new network code – the operational security code was currently being consulted on by ENTOSE. The code required real time data from DNOs and generators down to 1MW. He explained that there was a workshop on the code on 9 April and would circulate the details. ZZ noted that ENTSOE are publishing a grand design document that will set out the big picture to help explain their vision for the codes in total.

Actions from the WS6 August report

JG explained that under the new draft terms of reference for WS6, the group is tasked with following up on the actions from the WS6 August 2012 report. He informed the group of the status of the actions and asked for updates on actions being taken forward by other groups within industry.

PB gave an update on C2C project. A consultation on DSR for N-1 and ER P2/6 has been published. The results will be collated and a report published in May. It may be that for N-1, P2/6 does not need amending, though ETR130 may need to be updated. PB agreed to provide regular updates to the group.

LM noted that mechanisms for transparency of DSR in use between DNOs, TSO and suppliers are being examined in the DSR Networks Forum.

The ENA have already looked at notification processes for heat pumps and electric vehicles. BEAMA are planning to update their guidance to their members.

MA explained that the FCWG charging sub group will be meeting next week and will discuss which commercial and regulatory documents will need amending to amend in order to implement the charging decision for ED1 on reinforcement caused by increases in load and generation from existing domestic customers . A member of the group will be asked to raise the relevant code modifications.

JW asked for links to papers that are published online to be added to the table. JG agreed to amend the actions log to include links to relevant documents and to reflect the updates and comments made by WS6 members.

Action  Update and circulate WS6 August report actions table. Include links to published documents and an indication of timeframe. By - Ofgem – 10/04

Scoping future work plan

Domestic customer types

LS explained this was an early draft of a matrix which will eventually be used to assess the impact on customers of the different options. LS explained that at this stage, Ofgem was looking for thoughts and comments on the structure of the matrix and how different customer characteristics had been captured. She explained that the matrix tried to break these down by technology type, associated subsidies and customer attributes.

DG acknowledged that this was the first time the group had seen the matrix and stated that Ofgem would tidy it up and circulate after the meeting. She invited any first reflections the group had.

EP suggested that an additional customer type should be included – domestic with micro CHP. LS agreed to add this to the matrix. AN suggested that it may be easier to have a base profile and then extras to add, otherwise there are a large number of combinations that have to be listed.

DB asked whether this matches the WS3 customer profiling. DG stated that WS3 looks at the impact customer types have on the network. This matrix is assessing the characteristics customers have and how that might impact how they engage with a smart grid. JW further clarified that they are meant to set out the reality of being a customer under certain options, not looking at how to meet LCT targets as the WS3 profiling does.

ZZ suggested that a distinction should be made between owner-occupiers, tenants, housing associations, and other ownership structures. He also suggested that “domestic with storage heater” should be included.

MS noted that SSE’s LCNF project NTVV has looked at customer segmentation and agreed to circulate the details.

LS agreed to update the matrix in line with comments and circulate to the group for further comments and feedback. DG stated that as a next step, Ofgem would look to populate the matrix with a couple of generic smart grid options to test the structure.

Actions - Update customer types table to include:

  • Customers with micro-CHP
  • Distinction between owner-occupiers, tenants, housing associations etc By - Ofgem – 28/03
  • Circulate customer types table By -Ofgem – 28/03
  • Submit comments on customer types table By -All – 08/04
  • Circulate notes/papers on customer segmentation for New Thames Valley Vision LCN Fund project By-SSE – 08/04

LCN Fund learning workshop

MA explained that the workshop is not looking to duplicate the LCN Fund conference or other learning events. The purpose is to extract specific learning on the different options being trialled in order to inform the work stream’s work.  He asked for comments on the draft outline for the workshop.

SN suggested including sessions on engagement with customers in terms of getting them to join the trials. She also suggested including learning on how much peak load is being reduced by and what actions customers are taking to reduce load.

SB suggested that sessions 3 and 4 for I&C need expanding. The aggregator is only one model out of many including TSO, suppliers etc. Also, there are more uses than just “post-fault” that are not captured. ZZ asked for more options for generators to be captured.

MA agreed to update in line with comments where there are projects trialling these additional options. He asked all DNOs to populate the outline with aspects of their LCN Fund projects, or other trials.


  • Include sessions on encouraging customers to sign up to projects as part of the LCN Fund learning workshop. By - Ofgem – 02/04
  • Include discussion of learning on how customers reduce load (ie what appliances are turned down) as part of LCN Fund workshop By - Ofgem – 02/04
  • Expand the LCN Fund workshop session on commercial models for I&C customers to include TSO and supplier models alongside the aggregator model. By - Ofgem – 02/04
  • Circulate revised outline for LCN Fund learning workshop By - Ofgem – 28/03
  • Populate outline with relevant projects and submit to Ofgem. By - DNOs - 10/04


DG informed the group that the draft terms of reference for WS6 would be circulated and asked for comments from WS6 members.


  • Circulate revised terms of reference   By  Ofgem – 03/04
  • Submit comments on terms of reference  By - All – 10/04